Seafood Aftermath

It is a lovely evening that day when me and severals friends are traveling in Malacca. I suggested them to have dinner at my favourite Ikan Bakar spot at Padang Temu. I ordered a Jenak to be grilled with chillis. I declined the offer of prawns because i am very aware of it, but, not the Sepahat. I totally forgot about Sepahat, that belongs to the shell species.

And, later on, it started to itching all over my body... which worsen my Psoriasis condition.

urgh... the aftermath is very long. until now, there is no sign of getting better. skins keep on growing and falling on certain parts. The only medication that i take now is a pill known as citrizine. actually it is not my medication, it is for my father's allergies. but, it works to for me. i did not take it regularly, unless it is very unbearable.

Hoping to get well soon.


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