"Air Badak" @ Gypsum Fibrosum

my doctor suggest me to take "Air Badak" or Gypsum Fibrosum. in Malaysia, we can easily get this "Air Badak" from the minimarket and shops. It is populor among the malaysian as a body temperature cooling agent. whenever a person have high fever, they will immediatley seek for this "Air Badak".
"Air Badak" is actually a water containing dilluted Gypsum Fibrosum. each bottle contains about 400 mg of Gypsum Fibrosum.
I haven't figured out any effect of it toward psoriasis... yet...... but i'll try it for another week to see if anything changes.


. said…
Go buy narrowband uv lamp 90percent cure
From dhgate.com

Dr teo
Skin specialist

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